Tasman Tanning optimises hide usage with Mindhive


Tasman Tanning is a leading New Zealand tannery processing cattle hides and deer skins from raw material through to finished leather.


Tasman Tanning’s grading process was manual and labour intensive. With only a few seconds to grade a hide, graders had a small window to accurately find all its defects and calculate a grade. With only one master grader available to assess hides, Tasman Tanning was looking for a solution to consistently maintain their high quality assessment standards and increase operational throughput.


With the Mindhive Grading, Tasman Tanning achieves a dependable consistency with their grading. When hides can be classified between two grades or use cases, human graders heavily rely on Mindhive Automated Grading System’s analysis to determine the hide’s best allocation.


“We’ve been able to halve our reject percentage downstream... and properly allocate hides, which means we have optimised our hide usage. Not only that but we have been able to increase the throughput of operation. I would recommend Mindhive to anyone who’s willing to try new approaches... by using artificial intelligence you’re improving the process, increasing your throughput and speed and making the job more easy for everyone involved.”

- Pablo, Continuous Improvement Manager, Tasman Tanning